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  • Writer's pictureLife Between the Bookends

"Method" by Kate Stewart


Age Group: 18+

Plot Development: A

Character Development: A

Memorable Moment:

"Do you know why I call you Dame?"
"It’s an old generalized term for a woman in show biz, kind of a Humphrey Bogart type term, right, like kid or broad?”
He nods, his fingers gliding along my back to the small of it where he strokes me softly. “That’s true, but it’s also the female equivalent of a knight.” He lifts one side of his mouth. “You told me yourself, you’re no princess.”
“I’m not.”
“No, you aren’t, although you are very much a pain in the ass.”

Stewart, Kate. METHOD (p. 240). KLS PRESS. Kindle Edition.


“Hollywood is a temptress, a trickster, a soul-stealing devil. I married an A-list player, knowing I come second place to his craft. But Lucas and I are a golden couple, a modern-day fairy tale. I’ve never doubted what we built...until the sudden death of Lucas’s best friend has scandal rocking the Hills and shaking the foundation of our relationship.”

Unfortunately, the moment someone says it’s a “Hollywood love story” or it’s a story about “becoming an overnight sensation”, the eyes start to roll like slot machines. Let’s be honest it is an overdone topic, just like the whole Vampire-Human romance thing. But once in a while, you find a diamond in the rough and thats what this is.

Method by Kate Stewart has a deeper plot than most Hollywood stories. When you first meet the main characters, they’ve already been married for 6 years and are actually at a serious impasse in their relationship. The story is told from both Lucas’ and Mila’s perspectives. You get information in bits and pieces but not in an annoying way. As they contemplate where their relationship is and if it will survive they have flashbacks to those events that caused them to be in their current predicament. It makes the characters more relatable and more human than if you were just reading from a third person point of view. It may take a moment to get used to but it eventually feels like a movie in your head - HINT, HINT big (and aspiring) movie producers.

Lucas’ and Mila’s relationship issues are relatable because it’s a case where their communication was seriously lacking, the both were to blame but didn’t look at it that way. She thought his method acting and the fact that he wouldn’t open up to her about how he was feeling after his best friend’s suicide, was 100% to blame. Although he knew he was to blame he also felt that she was being unreasonable because she knew the rules that they agreed upon when the began dating. Only once she realizes she needs to accept her part of the blame are they able to actually communicate.

But do they make it through? That is for me to know and you to find out when you finish this absolutely amazing book.

Let me know what you thought of the book or if there's a Hollywood based booked you think is just as great or better!

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